Cat Owner Perceptions

2020,  United Kingdom

1.Survey title

Human Perceptions of Domestic Cat Ownership regarding Free Roaming of Cats

2.Who is conducting the survey?

The survey has been constructed by Chantelle Franklyn, a student at University of Derby/Derby College. The survey is part of a research project for the dissertation module of BSc Zoo & Wildlife University of Derby accredited course.

3.What is the purpose of the survey?

As you have been invited to participate in the study, please read the following information before deciding whether or not to take part.

The survey aim is to understand domestic cat owners’ opinions on free roaming cats and to examine how knowledgeable owners are in threats to wildlife and to cat welfare.

Once the survey has been completed by the required number of participants, results will be collated and alaysed to provide an overall view on the subject. As this is part of a dissertation research project, the results will be published within the dissertation paper and discussions will follow on what the findings could mean and any further steps to take.

4.Who can participate?

It is requested that only current pet cat owners take part in the survey, as the questions do not allow for non-cat owners.

5.What personal information will be requested?

No personal identifying information is needed from any participants. All answers are 100% anonymous. If you wish to withdraw your answers after completion, you can email the provided email address with this request.

Results cannot be withdrawn after the survey has been closed and the results have been collected.

6.Contact details:

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