Search Results
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 343
- results
Unit feeedback - Humanities Term 1 2021 Year 9 Topic: Industrial Legacy
- 2021,
- Australia,
- 3
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Feedback plays a key role in assessing the effectiveness of a learning cycle.This feedback survey aims to identify the strengths and limitations of a topic, its learning experiences as well as the assessment item.Please take the time to provide feedback.
Unit feeedback - Humanities Term 1 2021 Year 9 Topic: Industrial Legacy
The Rise In Popularity Of Bilingualism And Multilingualism
- 2024,
- United Kingdom,
- 47
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This survey is a study which will be exploring the rise in popularity in bilingualism and multilingualism and the impat of individual's attitudes and perceptions. This questionnaire aims to gather valuable insights into the reasons behind the growing interest in bilingualism and multilingualism, as well as the benefits and challenges associated with bilingual language acquisition. This survey seeks to understand the factors driving this trend towards bilingualism and multilingualism. As well as ...
The Rise In Popularity Of Bilingualism And Multilingualism
FKPM Stakeholders' Questionnairre - Strategic (2025-2029) Development
- 2024,
- Kenya,
- 2
- responses
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Greetings,The Federation of Kenya Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FKPM) is in the process of developing its five-year Strategic Plan. FKPM is seeking to gather input and feedback from its key stakeholders in a bid to position itself to execute its mandate. You (or your organization) has been identified as an important stakeholder of FKPM and are consequently invited to participate in FKPM’s strategic planning process by responding to the 8 questions that follow. The results will be presented in an...
FKPM Stakeholders' Questionnairre - Strategic (2025-2029) Development
Preceptorship Audit
- 2023,
- United Kingdom,
- 14
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The new preceptorship team has been in post for one year now and we need to audit the success, gather preceptee feedback and plan for how we can develop the support on offer.
Preceptorship Audit
Micro Bike
- 2018,
- Colombia,
- 1
- responses
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company that manufactures bicycles at national level with the intention of taking care of the environment, we seek the increase of this means of transport to reduce pollution and accidents in cities and municipalities.
Micro Bike
Survey on the knowledge of sexual behaviors in the exchange students of the University of Viña del Mar
- 2017,
- Chile,
- 4
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The following cuestionnaire contain twelvequestions in cuhich 6 are yes or no answers and the rest are multiple choice where you will have to answer appropriakly, may be, insore cases, there may bemore then one answer.
Survey on the knowledge of sexual behaviors in the exchange students of the University of Viña del Mar
Unit feedback - Humanities Term 1 2021 Year 8 Medieval Europe
- 2021,
- Australia,
- 2
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Feedback plays a key role in assessing the effectiveness of a learning cycle.This feedback survey aims to identify the strengths and limitations of a topic, its learning experiences as well as the assessment item.Please take the time to provide feedback.
Unit feedback - Humanities Term 1 2021 Year 8 Medieval Europe
The impact and importance of social media marketing on beauty retailers businesses in the UK: Lush cosmetics
- 2023,
- United Kingdom,
- 51
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A survey regarding the social media marketing and the importance of marketing for beauty retailers businesses in the UK
The impact and importance of social media marketing on beauty retailers businesses in the UK: Lush cosmetics
North Notts CAMRA - Pub of the season summer 2023
- 2023,
- United Kingdom,
- 121
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This is the summer 2023 pub of the season (POTS) survey. To better reflect the branch coverage we are trialling the ability for members to vote for both a town pub, Retford or Worksop, as well as a pub from the villages. ***You are able to vote for a maximum of one town pub and one village pub.***As always, the winner of the previous Pub of the Season is not included in this voting round. There are 85 pubs and clubs in North Notts that serve real ale. The places listed below are a snapshot of...
North Notts CAMRA - Pub of the season summer 2023
Participation in the Abendmusikenkolleg
Participation in the Abendmusikenkolleg
- 2024,
- Germany,
- 7
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