在職人士往返居所和工作場所 (通勤) 的習慣與主觀幸福感問卷調查 Survey on commuting (i.e., recurring travel between residence and workplace) habits and subjective well-being (SWB) for working commuters


本人是香港中文大學地理與資源管理系學生,現正進行關於在職人士往返居所和工作場所 (即通勤) 的習慣與主觀幸福感的論文研究,主要探索各種通勤特性 (包括在家工作安排) 對通勤行程滿意度和主觀幸福感的關係,以期研究大眾如何循變更通勤習慣來改善幸福感以至身心健康。研究對象為居於香港的18至64歲在職人士。





I am a student from the Department of Geography and Resource Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), and I am conducting a thesis research regarding commuting (i.e., recurring travel between residence and workplace in this case) and subjective well-being (SWB) for the employed. The study aims at exploring the association between various commuting characteristics (including telecommuting arrangements) and degree of commuting satisfaction as well as SWB so as to find out the ways of improving SWB and even physical as well as mental health through altering commuting habits. The target group of this study is the employed persons aged between 18 and 64 who are living in Hong Kong.

You only need to complete the following questionnaire which will typically require around 10-15 minutes. This questionnaire will be anonymous and will not involve other sensitive personal information. The data collected in this survey will offer valuable information on transport planning pertaining to the enhancement of quality of life of the general public.

Participation of this research study is entirely voluntary and you can terminate your participation at any time without facing adverse consequences.

The data collected in this survey will be solely used in this thesis project for research purposes and will be kept strictly confidential.

Looking forward to and would be grateful for your participation in this study. You are also welcome to forward this questionnaire to your relatives and friends!

Please do not submit the questionnaire again if you have already completed it.

*Both Chinese and English descriptions are available in the following questionnaire. If there is ambiguity or inconsistency between the Chinese and English version, the English version shall prevail.

*Answer is required
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