• 146
  • results
Survey on SWAMI Home Food (Lunch)
  • 2017, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
We're conducting a survey and your input would be appreciated. Click the button below to start the survey. Thank you for your participation!
Survey on SWAMI Home Food (Lunch)
Importance of well-being
  • 2018, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 16
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This is a survery created by ITE students for our final year project. This is anonymous Survery to find out about student's well-being. you are required to attend a short meeting, at ITE Collage Central, Block B, Level 7, Class 10, 11am till 12pm, 7 Nov (Wednesday). Thank you and have a nice day :)
Importance of well-being
Hi All, I'm conducting a survey on site work installation / aftermarket support for project co-ordination in Oil and Gas Industry. Kindly participate and share your thoughts and experiences answering the questions in this survey.Thank you for your participation.Kind Regards
Research on project co-ordination for Oil and Gas projects for Site Work Installation
Theoretical Test for WSP18 - Level 1
  • 2022, 
  • Singapore
  • ,  Google Translate
Instruction: Please circle the appropriate answer and answer the objective questions accordingly. All participants are not allowed to cheat during the theoretical test session. Arahan: Sila lengkapkan jawapan yang sesuai dan jawab soalan objektif dengan sewajarnya. Semua peserta tidak dibenarkan menipu semasa sesi ujian teoritis.
Theoretical Test for WSP18 - Level 1
Website Payment Survey
  • 2023, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 143
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
At Luvme, our goal is to provide the best shopping experience for our customers. We are dedicated to meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations. To help us better understand your preferences and concerns, we would like to invite you to take part in our customer survey.Your feedback is invaluable to us, as it will help us to improve the products and services we offer, and ensure that we are providing the best possible experience for you. The survey should only take a few minutes to comple...
Website Payment Survey
Email Experience Survey
  • 2023, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 137
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
At Luvme, our goal is to provide the best shopping experience for our customers. We are dedicated to meeting your needs and exceeding your expectations. To help us better understand your preferences and concerns, we would like to invite you to take part in our customer survey.Your feedback is invaluable to us, as it will help us to improve the products and services we offer, and ensure that we are providing the best possible experience for you. The survey should only take a few minutes to comple...
Email Experience Survey
Testing for Surgical UBC
  • 2018, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 6
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
testing 1.2
Testing for Surgical UBC
Answer the following questions and stand to win a prize from the Credit Suisse CSR team. Submit by 19 May Sat 2359hrs.
Credit Suisse Pulau Ubin Biodiversity Cycling Trail Quiz & Survey
D&T Survey - Organiser
  • 2020, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 8
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
I Would Like To Find Out More About The Design Needs Of An Organiser For Organising Papers, Documents, Stationeries Etc Through This Survey.Please Spend A Few Minutes Of Your Valuable Time To Answer This Survey. Thank You.
D&T Survey - Organiser
Client's Feedback
  • 2021, 
  • Singapore, 
    • 6
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Hello everyone, this is a introduction to our client's feedback.
Client's Feedback
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