Surveys by Subject — Arts/Culture
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 279
- results
The Impact of Social Media on Financial Gain for Artists - Artist's Survey
- 2016,
- Australia,
- 22
- responses
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This research will explore the impact in which social media may have on an artist’s financial wellbeing and the different ways social media can increase or decrease income. It will be thoroughly examined the ways social media may encourage music piracy, be utilised as an advertising platform and also how different music streaming social media applications may affect financial gain for artists. Below are a series of survey questions relating to the research. If these could be filled out to the ...
The Impact of Social Media on Financial Gain for Artists - Artist's Survey
Najma Studio ¿Qué desea el cliente?
- 2017,
- Costa Rica,
- 18
- responses
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Hola Belly Dancers:Najma Belly Dance Studio desea conocer tu nivel de satisfacción sobre el servicio brindado, por tanto te invita a realizar la siguiente encuesta compuesta por una serie de preguntas; la cual tomará máximo 5 minutos de tu valioso tiempo.Lo anterior, es con el fin de mejorar el servicio brindado actualmente y ofrecer un mejor confort en la permanencia de la academia Najma Studio.Muchas gracias por ayudar a Najma Belly Dance a mejorar, a continuación ...
Najma Studio ¿Qué desea el cliente?
Preferencia Musical
- 2019,
- Ecuador,
- 51
- responses
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OBJETIVO: El propósito de esta encuesta es conocer las preferencias musicales de las personas, identificando el género de música que predonima más.
Preferencia Musical
IDS Arkansas Member Survey
- 2019,
- United States,
- 11
- responses
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Hello IDS Members! We are so excited you have joined as a member of the Interior Design Society. We are a collaborative organization and would loveto understand more about your needs as a member. Please fill out this fast survey and we will use this as our guide as we plan for a fun year!Many thanks,Your Arkansas IDS Board
IDS Arkansas Member Survey
Bedford Cultural Manifesto
- 2019,
- United Kingdom,
- 1
- responses
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The aim of the questionnaire is to hear about the cultural experiences of people living in Bedford. We are interested in knowing what you do and what you think about it in order to develop the cultural opportunities available in the town.This questionnaire has been developed by the Bedford Cultural Partnership, a group of cultural organisations working with the Borough Council to develop a new cultural manifesto for the town.
Bedford Cultural Manifesto
Helps improve to "IMAGINACIONES"✨🎨
Helps improve to "IMAGINACIONES"✨🎨
- 2022,
- Mexico,
- 6
- responses
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- 2023,
- Rwanda,
- 14
- responses
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Pour une recherche encours portant sur "l'impact du cinéma hollywoodien sur le comportements de jeunes. (Cas de la ville de Goma)". Chers frères, sœurs, ami.e.s, et connaissances. Nous vous supplions de vouloir répondre à quelques questions qui constituent notre enquête. Votre magnifique aide est celle de répondre aux questions ci-dessous, comment procédé: Pour commencer complétez d'abord les cases d'identités. Puis veiller répondre clairement aux questions poses. Cliquer sur Terminer. Laisser ...