• 111
  • results
  • 2021, 
  • Switzerland, 
    • 73
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Guten Tag,Im Rahmen unseres ABU Unterrichts schreiben wir im Moment eine Viertiefungsarbeit. Das Oberthema unserer VA lautet "auf dem Weg zu neuen Ufern", daher dachten wir das das Thema Transsexualität ein passendes Thema währe. Ebenfalls ist dieses Thema im Moment sehr aktuell, vor allem bei Personen in unserem alter.Wir würden uns freuen wenn Sie sich einige Minuten zeit nehmen würden um unsere Umfrage auszufüllen. Sheila Guevara, Lara Blaser
Encuesta de entrada
  • 2023, 
  • Argentina, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Bienvenida a este maravilloso camino que vamos a transitar juntas
Encuesta de entrada
Engagement and Marriage
  • 2016, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 289
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
To better understand LDS Sexuality. It is meant for anyone who was engaged or married while they were Active/Less Active in the church
Engagement and Marriage
2019 Boys Puberty Survey
  • 2019, 
  • United States, 
    • 6
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This is a survey that is meant for boys, aged 11-19, about their puberty experiences, current or ongoing, and locker room experiences. Warning: some questions may ask personal or sexual details. Feel free to leave any quesiton blank.
2019 Boys Puberty Survey
Inclusive Pronoun Usage
  • 2023, 
  • United States, 
    • 37
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Informed Consent: ENG201 Research: Inclusive Pronoun Usage Contact: Bee Bielak - biela1gs@cmich.eduRoman Ryndiak - rindi1r@cmich.eduLee Landis - landi1le@cmich.eduDr. Mary Wendt - rosal1me@cmich.edu Project Description: The leading question we strive to answer through our research is what strategies people find effective in promoting equality through pronoun usage. Procedure and Risks: We would like to use the information from this survey in our English 201 paper. No personal identifi...
Inclusive Pronoun Usage
Gewalt gegen Frauen
  • 2022, 
  • Germany, 
    • 20
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Gewalt gegen Frauen
How kinky is the worlds population.
  • 2017, 
  • Spain, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Thank you for taking part in this survey. We are trying to find out if the worlds population really is as kinky\naughty as some sources claim.
How kinky is the worlds population.
  • 2019, 
  • Spain, 
    • 31
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Esta encuesta es TOTALMENTE ANÓNIMA Y CONFIDENCIAL, no existiendo respuestas correctas o incorrectas. Esta encuenta forma parte del proyecto NO A LA VIOLENCIA DE GÉNERO EN OCIO NOCTURNO, llevado a cabo por la Asociación Cívica para la Prevención (ACP), en ella queremos conocer la opinión de jóvenes sobre la violencia sexual en contextos de ocio nocturno. Este proyecto ha sido financiado con cargo a los créditos recibidos del Ministerio de l...
American Adolescence Research
  • 2020, 
  • United States, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
***your name will remain disclosed so please answer truthfully
American Adolescence Research
Staff Survey – LGBTI Inclusivity
  • 2020, 
  • Australia, 
    • 11
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Thank you for taking time do the LGBTI Inclusivity Survey! This survey will help EMH improve its services for our LGBTI clients. Your answers to all questions will be anonymous. Please answer all questions. If you have any problems or questions please email Ali. Have a look at the terms used in the survey:Definitions and terminology Lesbian: A woman who is emotionally, romantically and/or sexually attracted to women.Gay man: A male who is emotionally, romantically and/or sexually attracted men.B...
Staff Survey – LGBTI Inclusivity
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