• 204
  • results
The questionnair for traveler about wineries in Kelowna, BC Canada
  • 2022, 
  • United States, 
    • 24
    • responses
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My survey is about wineries in Kelowna, BC, Canada for travelers from anywhere all over the world.I'm studying a comparison of differences between big and small wineries in Kelowna. There are many types of wineries in Kelowna, but how do you choose when you visit them? What are the main decisive factors? What do you expect from each of the wineries? Please let me hear your opinion. (*The candidate must be over 18years old, thank you for your cooperation)
The questionnair for traveler about wineries in Kelowna, BC Canada
Metro Accessibility Survey
  • 2023, 
  • United States, 
    • 74
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
I am working on a innovation project to enhance Metro accessibility. This survey will help capture your insights , experiences & feedback.Please click on the survey link to fill in the same.Appreciate your time & effort. Thanks !
Metro Accessibility Survey
Dates voyage Eurodisney 2024.
  • 2023, 
  • France, 
    • 26
    • responses
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Bonjour à tous,vous trouverez ici le sondage pour vous positionner sur les dates du voyage 2024.le résultat sera annoncé le soir de l'assemblée générale du 20 janvier prochain.Bonne sélection !
Dates voyage Eurodisney 2024.
Projet: création d'un lieu de séjours féminins
  • 2024, 
  • France, 
    • 99
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Afin de créer un lieu de séjours à thémes qui serait réservé aux femmes (entre 4 et 8 maximum) , J'ai besoin de votre aide pour affiner le projet. Au centre de la France, au bord du canal de Berry, venez passez un séjour de détente entre femmes.Lieu de partage, d'échanges, de discussions, activités sur place (jeux de société, table de ping pong, panier de basket...) (Durée du questionnaire 10 minutes maximum)
Projet: création d'un lieu de séjours féminins
Paseo Sorpresa del 01 de octubre
  • 2017, 
  • Chile, 
    • 3
    • responses
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Familia,El proximo fin de semana iremos de paseo sorpresa nuevamente, esta vez esperando que todo transcurra bien, no como el pasado que nuestra nieve era negra.He decidido dos sitios, pero haremos una encuesta para definir cual de las dos sera la elegida, a continuación sigan los pasos indicados en la encuestaUn Abrazo PD. En cualquiera de las dos opciones escucharemos bad bunny en el camino
Paseo Sorpresa del 01 de octubre
UMAHS Class of 1970 - reunion attendance
  • 2019, 
  • United States, 
    • 12
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Hello and welcome to the Class of 1970's 50th Reunion initial survey! We would like to introduce ourselves as the committee members: Dan Biles, Bruce Gundaker, Scott Holland, Janet (Morrell) Hutcheson, Leslie Ristine and Patti Jo (Stiles) Swenda! We have been working since the start of the year on planning a "Reunion for the Ages"; the dates are set (the weekend of October 9, 2020), we have contracted with The Crowne Plaza in King of Prussia, and have assembled an itinerary of e...
UMAHS Class of 1970 - reunion attendance
Restart Travel (November 2021)
  • 2021, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 16
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
We last asked you for your travel opinions when travel started to reopen in the summer. Back then, and throughout the summer restrictions in one way or another remained, although were gradually eased. Today, we see a big milestone reached with the USA reopening its borders for vaccinated travellers for the first time in 18 months. Yes, travelling isn't quite as straightforward as it used to be at the moment, but it's improving and we're seeing more and more countries reopening their borders. If ...
Restart Travel (November 2021)
Umfrage zum Thema Digitalisierung im Tourismus der Hochschule Bremen
Happy customers
  • 2024, 
  • Italy
  • ,  Google Translate
il tuo goudizio ci aiuta a crescere
Happy customers
Winter for ALL Trails
  • 2024, 
  • United States
  • ,  Google Translate
Please help us keep our funding by answering a few questions. Thanks! Your answers are confidential.
Winter for ALL Trails
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