• 120
  • results
Commitment Card - 40 Days of Faithful
  • 2016, 
  • United States, 
    • 3
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Welcome to 40 Days of Faithful! We are so happy to be on this journey with you! www.40daysoffaithful.wordpress.com
Commitment Card - 40 Days of Faithful
  • 2019, 
  • Dominican Republic, 
    • 14
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
“Tómele el pulso a su iglesia” es una herramienta de diagnóstico para conocer la salud de su iglesia. Tiene como propósito fomentar el diálogo y la reflexión profunda entre líderes, miembros y pastores de iglesias locales sobre elementos importantes que determinan el desarrollo y la salud de una congregación.
Belief in Demons and Ghosts
  • 2019, 
  • United States, 
    • 25
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Do you have a few minutes to help me out? I am gathering information for a book project that I am working on and I waht to hear what you have to say about demons and ghosts. I know that this is a strange topic, but the honest answers that you provide will go a long way in my research. All information is completely anonymous.Thank you,Chaplain David HensonHoly Cross Priory
Belief in Demons and Ghosts
Zoom Prayer Summit - March 2021
  • 2021, 
  • United States, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Greetings,Thank you for attending our first Virtual Zoom Pastors Prayer Summit. We could use your help to make future experiences even better. Please help us by answering the following questions. FYI: Your answers are anonymous.Thank you in advance for your help.Bob Santilli
Zoom Prayer Summit - March 2021
Parents Survey
  • 2023, 
  • South Africa, 
    • 4
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
The PPC is tasked with the pastoral care of our parish and community and are focusing on Youth which is one of the focal areas that we as a parish have chosen. Please can you provide us with your input on the below questions to understand why children/youth do not come to Mass in order to bring them back to our church.All responses are completely anonymous so we encourage as much honest feedback as possible.
Parents Survey
Pilgram Survey
  • 2017, 
  • United States, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This survey is for the pilgrams that went on men's walk 56
Pilgram Survey
The Ministry of Jesus Survey
  • 2020, 
  • Ghana, 
    • 25
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Please I need your help to gather some information as I conclude my degree dissertation. The purpose of this survey is to understand your views about the ministry of Christ. My research is to analyze these different views and interpret and sensitize on the relevance of the ministry of Christ in this postmodernized world. Thank you
The Ministry of Jesus Survey
Programming Survey
  • 2024, 
  • United States
  • ,  Google Translate
Programming Survey
Oaxaca Kadampa Retreats
  • 2024, 
  • Mexico, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Solo 3 minutos para ayudarnos a mejorar la experiencia! Gracias!!
Oaxaca Kadampa Retreats
Test Survey: What On Earth Test Quiz
  • 2016, 
  • United States, 
    • 4
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
I am still trying to test this survey app. This should have more features. Please take a moment to answer.
Test Survey: What On Earth Test Quiz
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