• 196
  • results
The Envoy Nation GLG 2022
  • 2022, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 80
    • responses
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The Envoy Nation GLG 2022
Preceptorship Audit
  • 2023, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 14
    • responses
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The new preceptorship team has been in post for one year now and we need to audit the success, gather preceptee feedback and plan for how we can develop the support on offer.
Preceptorship Audit
Penton's Staff Travel Survey
  • 2022, 
  • United Kingdom, 
    • 11
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
As part of the planning obligations for Penton's relocating to Southwater, there is a need to produce a Travel Plan report, which West Sussex County Council must then approve. This report simply details how staff at Penton's currently travel to and from work, and how they would travel to the new location. This report also includes the results and analysis of the survey and measures and incentives to facilitate safe and convenient travel to work. Please could you, therefore, complete the followi...
Penton's Staff Travel Survey
Pediatric Enteral Feeding - Medical Professional
  • 2024, 
  • Australia, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This survey is designed to gather information on children that require enteral nutrition"Enteral nutrition uses the gastrointestinal tract to supply nutrients. This can be accomplished by feeding by mouth or through a feeding tube. Advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition include: safety, effectiveness, decreased risk of infection, decreased cost, prevents gut atrophy, and preserving the barrier function of the gut" (Adeyinka.A, 2022)The survey contains 10 questions based on h...
Pediatric Enteral Feeding - Medical Professional
Pediatric Enteral Feeding - Parents/ Care givers
  • 2024, 
  • Australia, 
    • 3
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
This survey is designed to gather information on children that require enteral nutrition"Enteral nutrition uses the gastrointestinal tract to supply nutrients. This can be accomplished by feeding by mouth or through a feeding tube. Advantages of enteral nutrition over parenteral nutrition include: safety, effectiveness, decreased risk of infection, decreased cost, prevents gut atrophy, and preserving the barrier function of the gut" (Adeyinka.A, 2022)The survey contains 10 questions based on h...
Pediatric Enteral Feeding - Parents/ Care givers
Greetings,The Federation of Kenya Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FKPM) is in the process of developing its five-year Strategic Plan. FKPM is seeking to gather input and feedback from its key stakeholders in a bid to position itself to execute its mandate. You (or your organization) has been identified as an important stakeholder of FKPM and are consequently invited to participate in FKPM’s strategic planning process by responding to the 8 questions that follow. The results will be presented in an...
FKPM Stakeholders' Questionnairre - Strategic (2025-2029) Development
Greetings,The Federation of Kenya Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (FKPM) is in the process of developing its five-year Strategic Plan. FKPM is seeking to gather input and feedback from its key stakeholders in a bid to position itself to execute its mandate. You (or your organization) has been identified as an important stakeholder of FKPM and are consequently invited to participate in FKPM’s strategic planning process by responding to the 8 questions that follow. The results will be presented in an...
FKPM Stakeholders' Questionnairre - Strategic (2025-2029) Development
Gun Regulation
  • 2019, 
  • United States, 
    • 2
    • responses
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This survey is to assess how students in Fort Myers, Florida feel about current and future gun regulation laws.
Gun Regulation
Staff Survey - RCL Strategic Plan (2025-2027) Development
  • 2024, 
  • Zimbabwe, 
    • 5
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Dear RCL staff member,As you might be aware, RCL has embarked on developing its Strategic Plan (2025 - 2027). As part of the strategic plan development process, you are hereby invited to take about 20 minutes of your time to complete this survey. The survey is anonymous and the responses will be presented in an aggregated format. The deadline for response is 22ndJune 2024. Should you have any challenges in completing the survey, please let me know via joe.maina@jeypent.com. Thank you in advance ...
Staff Survey - RCL Strategic Plan (2025-2027) Development
Awards Ceremony
  • 2022, 
  • France, 
    • 1
    • responses
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Hello everyone, We are pleased to announce our next award ceremony which will take place on Thursday 21 July 2022 in La Rochelle. The aim of this ceremony is to reward the employees who have best embodied the values of CHARLES WELLS during the F20 year (October 2020 to September 2021). You will find the list of eligible people in your mailbox.Your HR Team.
Awards Ceremony
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