Which among these can potentially be dubbed as the "Next Level of Crytpo adoption"? (if not Bitcoin)

2018,  India

Around November 2017 it was reported that Amazon has bought some Ethereum related domains.
Then around January, Telegram, inspired by Kik's ICO on September 2017 announced plans for their own ICO. Details of which have been compiled toghether pretty well by a Coindesk article. This was soon followed by a similar announcement by LINE. Another popular messaging app.
And by the end of January, news of Sberbank's interest in launching it's own crypto exchange was also made public. 

This new wave of crypto adoption was made during the phase where Bitcoin saw prices reaching close to $20,000 per btc and similarly dipped to as low as $6100. Despite such wild swings and many other negativity surrounding Bitcoins and Crytpo adoption, this wave of enthusiasm could massively impact the crytpo market worldwide. In essense Bitcoin was create to decentralize the economy and give power to the people. Such large crypto adoption, could on one hand push the prices of Bitcoin beyond $100,000 per coin, while on the other hand ultimately defeating it's purpose to stay decentralyzed and out of the reach of large corporations or governments.

What do you think? Which of these is the most significant news so far?

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