Marketing Research Survey

2017,  Canada
This survey is a part of a research study currently being carried out by a group of students at the School of Business from the University of the Fraser Valley. The purpose of this research is to study to understand the effects of temporal framing on a consumer’s behavioural intentions and their attitude toward solar energy. Survey participation is voluntary and individual responses will be kept strictly confidential, with only aggregate results being reported. The questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. You can leave the questionnaire at any time, prior to submitting your survey. To withdraw your data, you must do so before submitting your survey. Once you have submitted your survey, your data cannot be removed because the responses are anonymous. Please be assured that all the responses are anonymous and will remain strictly confidential. By completing this survey, you are consenting to participate. Given that the survey is anonymous, there are no apparent risks to participating in this study. There are no direct benefits to you by agreeing to be in this study. Your participation and valuable contribution to this research is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions about the survey or concerns, you may contact me Manjot Pandher at or our course instructor, David Dobson at 604-504-7441 extension 4379 or The ethics of study has been reviewed and approved by the UFV Research Ethics Board.
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