America's Boating Club® Use of Social Media

2023,  United States

The Social Media Team of America's Boating Club® is interested in learning how Squadrons and Districts are using social (Facebook, Twitter, NextDoor, MeetUp, etc) as both an external outreach and education tool, and as an internal collaboration tool.

The following is a brief questionnaire that will help determine a baseline of use of social media by Squadrons and Districts. The target audience for the questionnaire is Squadron/District Commanders, Executive Officers, Public Relations Officers, and those updating websites and existing social media accounts. The Social Media Team will use your input to develop a Social Media 101 (Why use social media, how to get started, etc.) as well as sharing "success stories and best practices" of new social media tools such as MeetUp, NextDoor, etc.

Your responses are completely anonymous and will be used only to help guide planning for future events. Only aggregate data will be used to compile results.

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