A Case Study of the Implementation and Effectiveness of School-based Curriculum of Gifted Education (SCGE) in Hong Kong – Tier 1 (T1) 校本資優課程的應用及成效 - 第一層

2019,  Hong Kong

You are invited to participate in a research study conducted by Cheng Wai Lan, a part-time student in the Curriculum and Pedagogy Specialism of Master in Education Degree in the Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong. This research is supervised by Professor Catherine K.K. Chan. The purpose of the study is to understand the implementation and evaluate the effectiveness of SCGE in Hong Kong.  You will be invited to fill out the online survey to give your opinion on SCGE - T1.  The survey would only take you about 5 minutes to complete, and you can choose to terminate the survey at any time without negative consequences.  I would like to stress that all information collected will remain strictly confidential.  Individual details will not be disclosed or identifiable from this survey.   No school, individual or personal information will be identified in any of the publications and public dissemination activities.  The data containing personal identifiers be kept for three years after publication of first paper. Only Principal Investigator, the supervisor and the participant school will have access to the research data. All of the obtained information will be securely stored in a locked cabinet at the researchers’ personal laptop with password.  If you have any questions about the research, please feel free to contact Ms Cheng Wai Lan [(Telephone number (2817-1764)] or my supervisor Professor Chan [(Telephone number (22415417)].  If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Human Research Ethics Committee, HKU (2241-5267).

香港大學教育學院邀請你參與由課程及教學法課程兼讀碩士學生鄭惠蘭主理的研究調查。這是一項關於校本資優課程的研究,由陳嘉琪教授指導,旨在探討校本資優課程的應用及成效。你需要完成一份關於校本資優課程第一層的問卷,需時大約5分鐘。你可隨時終止問卷,有關決定將不會引致任何不良後果。所有收集的資料將絕對保密,所有個人資料並不會被公開。所有資料會於研究出版後保留三年,其後將銷毀。只有研究員、指導教授及參與學校能查閱相關資料。所有資料將儲放在研究員的私人電腦,並設有密碼加密保護。如閣下對是項研究有任何查詢,請與研究員鄭惠蘭聯絡(電話:2817- 1764)或陳嘉琪教授(電話:2241- 5417)。如你想知道更多有關研究參與者的權益,請聯絡香港大學研究操守委員會 (2241-5267)。

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