AZ Balance of State Social Justice and Race Equity Committee recruitment survey

2022,  United States

The AZ Balance of State Social Justice and Race Equity Committee is seeking new members.

The purpose of The Social Justice & Race Equity Committee of the Balance of State Continuum of Care is to provide leadership and guidance to the Governance Advisory Board to establish comprehensive and evolving processes that ensure equity. The Social Justice Race Equity Committee shall be transparent, trauma informed and representative of the communities served. The scope of work shall include addressing board processes, procedures, policies, documents, outcomes, membership, workgroups, etc. Social Justice/Racial Equity Committee membership should include people with lived experience of homelessness and/or demographics that are overrepresented in homelessness, such as Indigenous populations, LGBTQ+, people with a history of justice involvement, substance use related to homelessness, single parents, people of color, people experiencing domestic violence and populations with historical, persistent institutional and personal trauma. 

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