2022,  India

Dear everyone,

Man becomes a full man when he is socialized well and can contribute to his society as much we have received from society. One of the present-day crises is unawareness about the function of the mind and how to maintain mental health. 25% of the people have any mental health problem in their lifetime. Presently in Kerala, 13.6% of people have different types of mental health problems such as anxiety disorders, mood disorders, depression, substance abuse, suicidal tendencies, etc:- The problems among children as Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder, conduct disorder, Learning Disabilities, Substance abuse are spoiling the life of many families.  Kerala Society has high formal literacy but the least mental health literacy.  Still, mental illnesses are most stigmatized and showing useless fear. There is no health without mental health and it is a sign of good personality and good behavior. C.Kerala Reg.No.A 622/99 initiated Better Minds People's Mental Health Initiative in 2020 to awoke awareness about mental health and its importance in life. As part of this, developed a team of Community mental Health Volunteers across the state. We need more and more young dynamic people to hold the banner of mental health and arise mental health literacy in the state. Now we request the youth of Kerala to join as a Community Mental Health volunteer and join with the movement. The basic lessons on how to maintain mental health and training to act among people will be given to each volunteer and provide a certificate. Welcome all

Soc. Scientist Nazeer  E                                                                                                                                                                                                    State Prime Coordinator                                                                                                                                                                                            Cherathu Kerala Reg.No.A622/99                                                                                                                                                                                      State Office: Essar Plaza A 622/99                                                                                                                                                                              Sreekaryam .Thiruvananthapuram 695017

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