4-Day Versus 5-Day Workweek Survey

2023,  United States

Each year, the company I work for conducts an Engagement Survey. We review the results of our own department and determine areas where we can improve the level of engagement within our own team. One area where we see a consistent need for improvement is employees not feeling as though they have a good work-life balance.

Earlier this year, there was a survey conducted by Monster that found one out of three people would be willing to quit their current job to take a job that offers a 4-day workweek. I found this to be an eye-opening statistic. I’ve heard of people going to this type of work schedule and it enhances their lives tremendously. One of the biggest benefits being that it allows them to have more balance and catch up on life. I can totally relate. My typical weekends involve catching up on cleaning, grocery shopping, errands, and shuttling children to-and-from activities. This means weekends can be very hectic with so many obligations.

However, my biggest concern is whether companies would be open and willing to adopt 4-day workweeks for those wanting to participate. I would first want to gauge the level of interest based on this survey, specifically pinpointing the anticipated level of positive impact on engagement. If so, this would be a win-win for the employer and employees!

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