Gender Gap Assessment, EECMY DASSC

2022,  Ethiopia

EECMY – DASSC is the diaconal wing of the church which runs more than 270 projects/programs under the four thematic focuses livelihood, health and nutrition humanitarian response in Ethiopia. Of all its endeavors to contribute to the eradication of poverty, it is committed to increasing the participation of women in leadership and decision-making in its structure at all levels. It is crystal clear that the church is the voice for the poor, the vulnerable and marginalized group and has great influence in its constituencies as well as the society at large.  The 14th General Assembly resolution on all-rounded decisions to enhance women’s participation in her ministry and the 15th General Assembly resolution on women’s ordination and the implementation across her structure is remarkable.  Nevertheless, the participation of church women in decision-making and leadership positions did not happen as it was envisaged.  Therefore EECMY -DASSC has planned to conduct a gender gap assessment in EECMY and EECMY-DASSC with the objective of identifying the challenges and the prospects and together with the church work on enhancing advocacy and women’s empowerment for the benefit of the Church as well as the society.

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