Bacterial Water Testing in South Africa Survey

2021,  South Africa

Disclaimer: The following questions will be used for general analytical use only and for understanding the bacterial water testing scene in South Africa. Triple-P as the originator of this survey is solely responsible for its contents. Your response to this survey is voluntary. If you are asked in this survey to reveal your identity or the identity of the organisation on whose behalf, you are responding and do not wish to do so please do not respond to this survey. Your response will be used by triple-P only for the purpose identified by triple-P.

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triple-P reserve the right to terminate or withdraw a survey and your opportunity to participate in a survey, at any time and for any reason. triple-P alone has the right to view and use the survey results and may choose in its sole discretion not to disclose the survey result to you. Proceeding to the survey implies that you understand and agree to provisions in this disclaimer.

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