Wine Down With Rotary - Thinking Outside the Box!

2020,  United States

Take your mind and thoughts "outside the (wine) box" for a minute!  With the COVID-19 situation continuing to be an on-going health issue, the Wine Down With Rotary committee is  exploring other potentially viable options for holding the traditional event so that it is as safe as possible for members and guests.  Chair Sheree Pierce will present options to the Board of Directors at the July 28th meeting for their consideration of moving forward with planning the fundraising event.  Any option for proceeding with this event must comply with State and County COVID-19 safety guidelines/requirements in place at the time of the event (and before as planning must start immediately for a successful event.)   Everyone would agree this year requires that we think "outside the box" on how we might continue with the event that has attracted over 200 people in attendance every year. 

One preliminary idea being considered is to use the "Rotary Goes Home" concept of having small groups of people at Rotarians' homes where each would serve the same quality wines and hors d'oeuvres using the safety protocols in place at the time.  Unlike Rotary Goes Home, tickets would be sold to attend the gatherings, open to Rotarians and non-Rotarians, to the maximum number that will be allowed for social gatherings at the end of September.

As in the past, the WDWR event requires sponsorship funding to cover the cost of the event. Thank you so much for being a sponsor in the past year(s). It has made the event successful in providing funds for Rotary service projects. We are reaching out to you first to see if sponsorship funding is an option for you again this year at the same or different level. And we are asking you to indicate if you will be willing to host a small gathering in your home.  At this point we are only inquiring in order to present options to the Board on July 28th to make a decision on how to proceed. Thanks for your consideration in this matter and we'd appreciate hearing from you by next Friday, July 24th so we have input for presenting recommendations to the Board at our next meeting.

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