Selected Authorities: Opinion Poll on the UK 'PREVENT' Strategy

2017,  United Kingdom

Participant Information & Consent

My name is Erin Davie, I am a final year student at the University of Glasgow in the School of Geographical and Earth Sciences. This research project is being conducted in partial fulfilment to my Honours degree in Geography. I wish to invite you to take part in an online survey to help my research. Participation is entirely voluntary, and your time is very much appreciated. This research is independent and unfunded, and is being undertaken by myself solely as part of my coursework. Survey completion time is estimated to be 10 minutes.

This study is laregly on the UK-wide counter-terrorism strategy 'PREVENT' and also investigates the many debates surrounding current counter-terrorism and surveillance discussion. I am aiming to:

  1. Investigate whether UK counter-terrorism strategy affects different individuals and communties (and if so, how)
  2. Achieve a broad overview of the fairness and success of PREVENT and surveillance practices

I would be very grateful for you to take part in my research. Any answers and information given will only be used for the purposes of this research project. If you do not wish to answer a particular question, or withdraw from the survey altogether, you may do so without consequence. Answers will be viewed by myself using AllCounted software. Data received from answers will be stored in an electronic format and will be password protected. Your answers will be anonymised, so you will not be able to be identified.

Thank you in advance for your time, it is very much appreciated.

If you have any further questions, please contact me via email:


By continuing to the survey, I confirm that-

  • I have read and understood the information above
  • I am aged 18 or over
  • I grant my permission to take part in this research project
  • I understand that any information collected will be used anonymously
  • I understand that I can withdraw from the survey at any time
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