Why has Government maintained a UFO Non-Disclosure policy?


Once one acknowledges that UAP phenomenon is real and humans have been interacting with it for centuries, then certain unanswered questions present themselves.

For example, why does a world-wide state of ‘non-disclosure’ currently exist amongst Governments? What could be the possible reasons for non-disclosure, again assuming the case that UAP phenomenon is real?

A few possible answers have been traditionally offered including wide-spread panic, secret Black budget research, as well as concern for people’s religious beliefs.

However, what if another possible reason existed? Specifically, a concern for Public Safety.

Vallee-Davis in their joint paper (http://www.jacquesvallee.net/bookdocs/Vallee-Davis-model.pdf) on high strangeness describe observed ‘post-effects’ on human close –encounter (CE) experiencers. Please see the paper before completing the survey for more meaningful data results!

Survey Question: Have ‘they’ prevented public mass-disclosure out of fear what Vallee-Davis Layers V & VI might do to society?

Mind Map of Public Safety & Official UFO Non-Disclosure 

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