• 97
  • results
  • 2017, 
  • Hong Kong, 
    • 26
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
潮語,是「潮流用語」的簡稱,是時下年輕人的流行用語。隨着互聯網流行,這些用語亦以網絡語言的形式流傳。 一些潮語在互聯網興起前已出現,如潛水、屈機等,現時則被網上社群廣泛使用。有些則是因互聯網而出現的,如囧、orz。 潮語更於08年成為會考試題內容,主題目為潛水怕屈機事件,當時被指扭曲其意思,一度引起不少人討論,當中存有爭議性。 潮語普及化不單是年輕人的專利,現今亦發展到老一輩也懂。潮語文化盛行,它對我們到底有何影響呢?讓我們一起來研究,看看大家對潮語文化有何看法。
Dear Sirs or Madams,You are cordially invited to participate in a research to study "What leadership style has more motivating power toward employees who are coming from different Cultural Generation nowadays?The purpose of this questionnaire is to study What Leadership Style can have more Motivating power to Employees nowadays? given the intersection of diverse cultural generations in a workplace is so common. So knowing what sort of Leadership Style, namely Transactional or Transformation...
What leadership style has more motivating power toward employees who are coming from different Cultural Generation nowadays?
  • 2018, 
  • Hong Kong, 
    • 31
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
  • 2018, 
  • Hong Kong, 
    • 1
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
paper testing for hk fengshui
  • 2019, 
  • Hong Kong, 
    • 2
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
paper testing for hk fengshui
This survey aims to investigate the customer preference and purchase intention of respondents regarding the food delivery apps in Hong Kong (e.g. Deliveroo, FoodPanda, UberEATS, etc.). It will spend 5-10 minutes to complete the survey. All collected information will be used for academic studies only and keep confidential. Thank you for your time and assistance. (此問卷旨在調查受訪者的有關使用手機外送應用程式之喜好及意欲,完成問卷調查需時五至十分鐘。所有收集的資料只供學術研究之用並會保密,感謝您寶貴的時間和協助。)
Survey on Customer Preference and Purchase Intention on Food Delivery Apps in Hong Kong (有關手機外送應用程式之意見調查)
ICT_長者問卷 (IH)
  • 2021, 
  • Hong Kong, 
    • 41
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
ICT_長者問卷 (IH)
Fuzor Wish List and Feedback Survey
  • 2022, 
  • Hong Kong, 
    • 40
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Thank you for using Fuzor. We value your feedback and experience with Fuzor.We would appreciate you taking the time to complete a brief online survey.Your feedback helps us to continuously provide new solutions to meet your company's project need and high-quality output you expect from Fuzor. The survey should take no more than a few minutes of your time to complete.Please accept our sincere thanks for your time and comments.
Fuzor Wish List and Feedback Survey
感謝您參與我們的調查。此調查旨在評估香港的強制性樓宇檢驗計劃 (MBIS) 和強制性窗戶檢驗計劃 (MWIS) 的實施情況和效果。您的回答將幫助我們改進這些計劃,確保樓宇和窗戶的安全。請注意,所有回答將匿名處理。
強制性樓宇檢驗計劃 (MBIS) 和強制性窗戶檢驗計劃 (MWIS) 問卷調查
Hello, I am a student of BSc (Hons) Hospitality Business Management in Sheffield Hallam University. Now invite you to leave some valuable advice, which is very helpful for my research. This questionnaire is research entitled “To define how important the online travel agencies customer review affecting potential customer’s choice of hotel”. Please read and follow the instructions for each section carefully. All responses are confidential and will only be used for the purpose of this research...
How important the online travel agencies customer review affecting potential customer’s choice of hotel. 在線旅行社客戶反饋如何影響潛在客戶的酒店選擇。
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