Surveys by Subject — Society/Social Issues
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 548
- results
Market Research - Participate in Product Development and EARN 500 ICO Tokens for FREE.
- 2018,
- India,
- 109
- responses
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The researches around the world show that Family Structure is Shrinking (Nuclear Families are on rise), Relationships are lost (People just know Mother, Father, Grandparents, Son, Brother, sister and uncle & aunt), Little Family Ties. We are losing the strong fabric of human society. This survey is to understand if Technology can restore the strong family structure and re-unite the family with the use of technology. Little Family ties are inviting scial problems, Medical problems such as Dep...
Market Research - Participate in Product Development and EARN 500 ICO Tokens for FREE.
Media portrayal of the welfare system
- 2019,
- United Kingdom,
- 93
- responses
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Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Throughout the survey, you will be asked a range of questions relating to the media, the welfare system and some of your personal information. There will be no financial reward or otherwise for completing this survey and once started you can stop at any time. All personal information collected will be destroyed once it is no longer necessary for it to be held, in line with GDPR guidelines.
Media portrayal of the welfare system
- 2019,
- Peru,
- 37
- responses
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Alumna de sociología del III ciclo de la Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, realiza un estudio que tiene como objetivo, determinar el nivel de conocimiento, sobre los acontecimientos vistos últimamente en el ya mencionado sector de la empresa minera, LAS BAMBAS, por lo que le solicitamos responda las siguientes preguntas. Estos datos servirán para poder captar el nivel de desinformación en la población lambayecana. Alumna de sociología del ciclo III ...
Student Culture Survey
- 2019,
- United States,
- 5
- responses
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Welcome to the Student Culture Survey. All information in this survey is for the purpose of fulfilling a masters level class assignment at DBU. The information collected by this survey will be kept anonimous and used only for this class assignment. Parental permission is required for all participants under the age of 18 and submission of this survey will be accepted as an indication that such permission has been granted. Participation in the survey is limited to those in the Gen Z generation...
Student Culture Survey
A survey on Settlement Patterns around Maseno University.
- 2019,
- Kenya,
- 6
- responses
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There has been a change in the settlement pattern around Maseno university. We saw the need to conduct a survey to find out the main cause(s) of these changes and to come up with a probable cause of action to ensure consistency in the settlement patterns for easier planning and allocation of resoursces.
A survey on Settlement Patterns around Maseno University.
महाजनादेश लोककल्याणासाठीच असेल का ?
- 2019,
- India,
- 2
- responses
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महाराष्ट्र विधान सभेच्या नुकत्याच झालेल्या निवडणूकीत महायुतीला त्यांच्या घोषवाक्याप्रमाणे समाधानकारक जनादेश मिळालेला आहे. मात्र हा महाजनादेश लोककल्याणासाठी च असेल का याबाबत जनतेचे मत जाणूनल घेत सत्तापक्षाला त्याची जाणीव करून देण्यासाठी मिडीयावॉच ने हा सर्व्हे हाती घेतला आहे. यामध्ये आपण सत्तापक्षाने नेमक्या कोणत्या मुद्दयांना आगामी पाच वर्षात ठोसपणे निर्णायक आकार द्यावा याबाबत आपले मत नोंदविणे आवश्यक आहे. जेणेक...
महाजनादेश लोककल्याणासाठीच असेल का ?
Chirath Kerala Socio Cultural Organization membership Renewal Form 2020-2021
- 2021,
- India,
- 3
- responses
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Chirathu Kerala Sociocultural Organization Reg.No.A 622/99Vision: Cultural Heritage for Eternal Responsible Art and Thought for a Humanitarian UniverseReg Office: Nanma Lajnath Building Alappuzha. State office: Essar Plaza. R 109, Sreekaryam Thiruvananthapuram
Chirath Kerala Socio Cultural Organization membership Renewal Form 2020-2021
- 2021,
- Colombia,
- 5
- responses
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A continuacion encontraran algunas preguntas, relacionadas con temas relacionados a la sexualidad, derechos, ciberbullying entre otras
Mental Health in Males in Giyani
Mental Health in Males in Giyani
- 2022,
- South Africa,
- 1
- responses
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Human Rights
- 2022,
- South Africa,
- 3
- responses
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The following questions will be used to gather a better knowlege of people's human rights.
Human Rights