Writing, reading and creating new worlds are some of my passions. Currently, I am working on a non-fiction book about deja vu, which led me to AllCounted for research surveys. I am looking forward to seeing what this can do.

Deja vu research survey
  • 2018, 
    • 5
    • responses
  • ,  Google Translate
Thank you for taking your time to participate in this subjective psi deja vu research survey. You are a big help. I am on a quest to collect data about deja vu. My target audience involves everyone who has experienced any varying type of deja experience. The expected time to complete this survey depends on how good your memory is and how fast you read. Don't worry about your information, it will all remain anonymous. All data collected will be analyzed and included in a book about a new theo...
Deja vu research survey
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