My name is Jill Woods, I am a clinical psychology PHD student at University Limerick. As part of my PHD I am conducting research about psychological strength and resilience in the Irish population. This information will help psychologist to develop better treatments for depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicide prevention to mention just a few. This research could potentially help your friend, partner, parent, child, sibling so please answer honestly without spending too long deciding on your answer. Thank you for your time, honesty and cooperation.
One in five individuals will experience depression or other mental health difficulty in their lifetime (WHO, 2003). Approximately 500 Irish people each year commit suicide (CSO, 2015). These people are our siblings, parents, friends and children. This is a Clinical Psychology Doctoral study. It is investigating factors that contribute to the resilience of Irish individuals. Your contribution will help to increase our understanding of these issues in the Irish population. Any individual who works...
Understanding resilience in Irish helping professionals.
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