Surveys by Subject — Language/Literature
This page displays the surveys that survey creators chose to share with the public. Survey creators can also make surveys and results totally private and secure.
- 68
- results
Sabes que hay otra manera de leer y escribir?
- 2019,
- Colombia,
- 22
- responses
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Queremos conocer, como son los habitos de lectura y escritura de la población Colombiana
Sabes que hay otra manera de leer y escribir?
Music that has storytelling
- 2024,
- United States,
- 13
- responses
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Informed Consent:Musical Storytelling and Relationships[]Project Description: Music that tells a story, specifically those about real stories and experiences, are vital, providing both differing perspectives for listeners who can not relate personally, as well as a deep connection between listeners that can relate to the narrative. Through this survey, we are studying the affects of musical storytelling on listener’s relationsh...
Music that has storytelling
Constructing a TPACK Competence Framework for EMI Teacher Development
- 2019,
- Taiwan,
- 6
- responses
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親愛的學者、教師,您好: 感謝您撥冗填寫我們的問卷! 我們是英語學系的學生,我們正在調查科技內容教學知識(Technological Pedagogical & Content Knowledge)全英師培素養架構之發展,在參考完許多文獻與報告後,我們針對此議題提出三大構面,以及在每一構面提出五項指標,希望能夠為全英師培建構出一套健全的素養架構,並有效的融入科技內容教學知識(Technological Pedagogical & Content Knowledge)於全英教師(English as a Medium of Instruction Teacher)的教學中,以期能夠成功提升全英教師素養架構之發展,希望您能夠協助我們填寫這份問卷,如果有任何疑問或建議,歡迎您提出寶貴的意見協助我們修正和改進。
Constructing a TPACK Competence Framework for EMI Teacher Development
The portrayal of Women in Literature, (American).
- 2016,
- United Kingdom,
- 27
- responses
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For my EPQ as primary research , I would like to gain peoples opinions of how women are portrayed and the effect this may have.
The portrayal of Women in Literature, (American).
"Studiet er færdigt om tre blyanter" - Konstruktioner, som er udfordrende
- 2022,
- Germany,
- 1
- responses
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Jeg hedder Franziska og jeg er danskstuderende fra Christian-Albrechts-Universität fra Kiel. Som sprogstuderende er jeg meget interesseret i anerkendelsen og korrektheden af sprogbrugen. Så handler denne spørgeundersøgelse om konstruktioner, der har forskellige grader af anerkendelse. Nogle konstruktioner kan blive anerkendt og forstået selvom de ikke er korrekte. Den handler faktisk om konstruktioner, som indeholder præpositionerne "om" og "på". Der er nogle spørgsmål, der spørger om korrekthed...
"Studiet er færdigt om tre blyanter" - Konstruktioner, som er udfordrende
Der sprachliche Anpassungsprozess der Secondos
- 2022,
- Switzerland,
- 7
- responses
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Liebe SecondosAnbei die Umfrage, die ich bei der Diskussion erwähnt habe. Bitte füllt die Felder so präzis wie möglich aus.Ich bedanke mich im Voraus!Liebe GrüsseEliana
Der sprachliche Anpassungsprozess der Secondos
Book Group Choices 2023 part 2
- 2022,
- United Kingdom,
- 7
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Rank your choices 1 for 1st choice, 2 for 2nd and 3 for 3rd.
Book Group Choices 2023 part 2
Localisation and HSBC
- 2018,
- United Kingdom,
- 15
- responses
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This survey is part of a study into the localisation practices of the HSBC bank in the UK, France and Spain. By continuing you confirm that you are 18 years of age and are a native of the language spoken in those countries. Please be assured of your anonymity and confidentiality and answer all questions as honestly as possible. Thank you for your participation.
Localisation and HSBC
Language Acquisition and Translation Evaluation (LATE) Questionnaire
- 2022,
- India,
- 28
- responses
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Hello! I am Obed Ebenezer .S, a Research Scholar at the Department of English, University of Calicut, Kerala, India. I am doing my Research in Translation Studies.This Language Acquisition and Translation Evaluation (LATE) Questionnaire aims to collect and understand data on the acquisition of languages and approaches to translation across widely variable geographical and linguistic regions, in addition to making data trends accessible to all who are interested in this field. A section on Poetr...
Language Acquisition and Translation Evaluation (LATE) Questionnaire
Music that has storytelling
- 2024,
- United States,
- 14
- responses
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Informed Consent:Musical Storytelling and Relationships[]Project Description: Music that tells a story, specifically those about real stories and experiences, are vital, providing both differing perspectives for listeners who can not relate personally, as well as a deep connection between listeners that can relate to the narrative. Through this survey, we are studying the affects of musical storytelling on listener’s relationsh...
Music that has storytelling