We have spent the last year learning about the Quality of Life Levels of the LGBTIQ2SA Community in the Shuswap. Now we are compiling what we have learned. It will be come a part of our strategic plan. We have 10 questions we would like you to answer to help us put the final touches on our work . Each question will come from the results of the three surveys we did. Thank you all for your input. We just want to make sure we dont go ahead without as much community input as possible
Essies Place Strategic Planning Feedback Form
We are interested in improving the supports and resources trans people either need or are seeking and cant find, in the Shuswap Region. The research is clear as are the stories of people who are openly Trans. Trans people , people who are Two Spirited, People who have intersex conditions / DIsorders of Sex Development or people who identify differently in their gender, are discriminated against at a higher rate, experience more intense acts of viollence toward them, have higher unemployment rate...
Learning about the People who Identify as Trans, Intersex or Gender Diverse
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